Below are some common questions we help answer for folks interested in our Byrna Launcher and related products. Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
General Byrna Questions
What is the Byrna SD?
The Byrna SD (Self Defense) is a compact non-lethal personal security device developed by Byrna Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ: BYRN). We believe it to be the safest and most effective non-lethal self-defense weapon on the market today.
The Byrna SD shoots .68 caliber projectiles that are filled with a powerful chemical irritant. The projectiles are designed to burst upon impact and disperse a cloud of powerful pepper and tear gas powder.
The Byrna SD is manufactured using glass-reinforced polymers and aircraft-grade aluminum. It contains over 100 precision parts, incorporating technology from real firearms and gas-fired launchers.
Does the Byrna require any maintenance?
Yes. Please refer to the operating manual. Relying on a tool for your protection means you need to ensure that the tool stays properly taken care of, and one of the great parts about the Byrna launchers is how easy they are to maintain. Here is a short BYRNA PRO TIP video that explains how to maintain your launcher with our oiler and brush kit byrna-pro-tip-launcher-maintenance.
What maintenance does the Byrna Launcher require?
Regular maintenance includes checking the CO2 cartridge, cleaning the barrel, and ensuring the device is free of debris. Detailed maintenance instructions are provided in the user manual.
How effective is the Byrna Launcher in stopping an attacker?
The Byrna Launcher is designed to incapacitate an attacker from a distance by causing intense pain and temporary blindness with chemical irritants, providing you time to escape or seek help.
How far can the Byrna Launcher shoot?
The Byrna Launcher has an effective range of up to 60 feet (about 18 meters), allowing you to keep a safe distance from a potential threat while still being able to defend yourself.
How many shots can the Byrna Launcher fire before needing to be reloaded?
The standard Byrna Launcher magazine holds five rounds. After firing all five, the magazine needs to be reloaded.
Can the Byrna Launcher be used indoors?
While it can be used indoors, it's important to consider the confined space and potential exposure to chemical irritants. Ensure proper ventilation and avoid using it in areas where innocent bystanders could be affected.
Byrna Policy and Safety
Is the Byrna Launcher legal to carry?
Yes, the Byrna Launcher is legal in most places. However, local laws may vary, so it’s important to check your local regulations before carrying or using the device.
Do I need a permit or background check to purchase a Byrna Launcher?
No, the Byrna Launcher is a non-lethal device, and in most states, it can be purchased without a permit or background check. However, certain jurisdictions may have specific regulations.
Is the Bryna considered to be a firearm by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?
No. The Byrna SD is powered by compressed CO2 cartridges, just like a paintball or airsoft gun.
How can I take my Bryna with me when I travel by air?
We recommend you check individual airline and airport regulations as well as TSA rules (all of which are subject to change) before traveling with your Byrna. Several domestic airline carriers allow you to carry an unloaded Byrna, or similar launcher like a paintball or airsoft gun, in checked luggage.
Most airlines do not permit the transport of CO2 cartridges or self-defense rounds, so we recommend ordering them to be delivered to your intended destination before traveling by air.dd an answer to this item.
I'm worried the police could think the Byrna is a real gun and shoot me or my child.
The Byrna is available in a number of colors including Safety Orange. The Byrna is intended for self-defense in situations where police are not present to offer assistance and should not be drawn when police or armed security personnel are present. Byrnas are not equipped with an orange tip to identify them as toys because they are not toys, and we do not sell to anyone under 18.
Use of the Byrna offensively or in furtherance of a crime is illegal and may subject you to civil and criminal penalties, including incarceration.
You should never draw your Byrna in the presence of a police officer acting in his professional capacity or you may be shot.
Is the Byrna Launcher safe to store at home?
Yes, the Byrna Launcher is safe to store at home, but it should be kept in a secure location, out of reach of children, and properly maintained according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
Byrna CO2 Questions
What kind of CO2 cartridge do I need for the Byrna SD?
Byrna SD Launchers are powered by 8-gram Byrna CO2 cartridges. There is no standard size among suppliers so we recommend you use Byrna brand cartridges which may be purchased at a Byrna Bash event. Use of non-conforming cartridges may compromise your Byrna’s performance and may damage your Byrna, voiding your warranty.
How long will a CO2 cartridge last?
Byrna CO2 cartridges have a virtually indefinite shelf life. The cartridge is not pierced until the trigger is pulled so you can always keep an un-punctured CO2 cartridge in your Byrna to maximize its utility for self-defense. The Byrna incorporates puncture technology to allow it to fire on the first trigger pull. We recommend loading a new CO2 cartridge after every sustained use of the Byrna because once the cartridge is punctured CO2 will leak out over 24 hours.
How many projectiles can I fire on a CO2 cartridge?
A single Byrna 8-gram CO2 cartridge should consistently fire 15 - 20 projectiles. The Byrna 12-gram CO2 cartridge should consistently fire 25 - 30 projectiles.
Will the Byrna Chemical Irritant Projectiles burst if someone is wearing a puffy jacket?
Byrna Chemical Irritant Projectiles are constructed to break on impact so a puffy jacket, loose clothing or anything that partially absorbs the force of that impact can make them less effective. The Byrna can be aimed to impact the ceiling above the target, the wall next to the target or a nearby tree if they present a more accessible point of impact. Here is a short Byrna Pro Tip video where we discuss your options for shot placement during encounters where impacting someone directly may not be your best option, or not an option at all.
What types of projectiles does the Byrna Launcher use?
The Byrna Launcher can fire several types of projectiles, including chemical irritants, kinetic impact rounds, and practice rounds. Each type serves a different purpose, from self-defense to training.
12-Gauge Shotgun Round Questions
What types of shotguns are compatible with the Byrna 12-gauge less lethal ammunition?
All 12 gauge shotguns with a standard cylinder bore and improved cylinder bore choke can fire the Byrna 12 gauge rounds but the following shotguns have been extensively tested:
- Remington 870
- Mossberg 590
- Kel Tec KSG
How loud is the Byrna 12-gauge less lethal ammunition blast registration?
< 117 decibels… 16 times quieter then a traditional shotgun blast and a similar report to our .68 caliber CO2 launchers. No hearing protection is required when shooting the Byrna 12 gauge rounds.
How much gunpowder does the Byrna 12-gauge less lethal ammunition contain?
The Byrna 12 gauge round contains no gunpowder and is powered only by a primer.
Does the Byrna 12-gauge less lethal ammunition have any recoil?
The Byrna 12 gauge rounds have almost no perceived recoil.
What is the effective range of the Byrna 12-gauge less lethal ammunition?
100 feet
What safety precautions should be taken when handling the Byrna 12-gauge less lethal ammunition?
As with any firearm, all normal firearm safety precautions should be taken:
- Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire
- Treat every shotgun as if it is loaded
- Do not point the shotgun at anything you do not intend to shoot
- Be aware of your target and what’s behind it before firing
What are the storage requirements for Byrna 12-gauge less lethal ammunition?
Byrna 12 gauge ammunition should be kept in a dry area out of weather elements for longer-lasting storage
How does the Byrna 12-gauge less lethal shotgun ammunition compare to the current less-lethal options in the marketplace?
Most “less-lethal” ammunition on the market is sold as a novelty and has little effect on the target. All less-lethal shotgun ammunition currently used by law enforcement has a much more limited range and limited use types.
Is the Byrna 12-gauge less lethal ammunition legal in all 50 states?
Yes! Byrna 12 gauge rounds are legal in all 50 states, but check your local regulations before purchasing.
What is the shelf life of the Byrna 12-gauge less lethal ammunition?
If stored correctly, the Byrna 12 gauge rounds are warrantied to last 3 years.